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Bhagat Puran Singh

..:: Bhagat Puran Singh ::..
(1904 - 1992)

Bhagat Puran Singh

"Bearded Mother Teresa of Punjab", that's how noted Sikh scholar and writer Khushwant Singhji was a writer, environmentalist, philanthropist and above all, those rarest of rare finds : a selfless soul.

4th June, 1904, is the auspicious day on which Bhagat Puran Singhji was born.

Puran Singhji was left homeless by the 1947 partition between the India and Pakistan. But he didn't let this stop him from helping people. Puran Singhji moved around giving aid and shelter to terminally abd mentally ill patients at abandoned homes and bus stands. Eventually, he built a permanent shelter for the destitute in Amritsar : 'Pingalwara'(House of the Crippled).

The source of inspiration for this life of service was the 'Garland around his neck', a leprosy-striken boy, Piara, whom Puran Singhji carried o his back for 14 years. For this life of dedication in the service of the sick, disabled and abandoned people, he was awarded the 'Padmashri'in 1979 and was nominated for the Noble Peace Prize in 1991.


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