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Effects of Radiation on the Human Body

..:: Effects of Radiation on the Human Body ::..

Understanding Radiation Effect of Human Body ::-

A. Even small radiation doses, as low as 100 millisieverts, can slightly rise cancer risk.

B. Exposure to 1000 millisieverts is estimated to increase risk of fatal cancer by about 5%.

C. Half of those exposed to between 4000 - 5000 millisieverts die in a month.

Below are the Effects of Radiation on the Human Body ::-

Effects of Radiation on the Human Body, Strong Indian Body, Male - Female Body, Health care tips for Indian - Human being

1. Skin :- Caught in roots of body hair causes skin cancer.

2. Eye Cataracts :- Making effect on eye cataracts.

3. Thyroid Gland :- Thyroid Gland is susceptible to radioactive iodine which can destroy it.

4. Lung Cancer - Breast Cancer :- Making effect on Lung Cancer and Breast Cancer.

5. Stomach :- Damages to intestinal tract lining causes nausea, bloody vomiting and diarrhea.

6. Reproductive System :- Damage to ovaries and eggs in women and damages to prostate and testes in men.

7. Blood System :- Loss of white blood cells leaves victim more susceptible to infection.

8. Bone Marrow :- damage leading to leukemia or aplactic anemia.

Symptoms After Moderate Exposure ::-

A. Fever

B. Hair Loss

C. Vomiting

D. Diarrhea


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