..:: Weekly Updated Astrology Predictions from 12 June 2011 to 18 June 2011 ::..
Know your Zodiac Sign from your Birth Date :-
- Your Zodiac Sign is ARIES if you are born between March 21 to April 19.
- Your Zodiac Sign is TAURUS if you are born between April 20 to May 20.
- Your Zodiac Sign is GEMINI if you are born between May 21 to June 20.
- Your Zodiac Sign is CANCER if you are born between June 21 to July 22.
- Your Zodiac Sign is LEO if you are born between July 23 to August 22.
- Your Zodiac Sign is VIRGO if you are born between August 23 to September 22.
- Your Zodiac Sign is LIBRA if you are born between September 21 to October 22.
- Your Zodiac Sign is SCORPIO if you are born between October 23 to November 21.
- Your Zodiac Sign is SAGITTARIUS if you are born between November 22 to December 21.
- Your Zodiac Sign is CAPRICORN if you are born between December 22 to January 19.
- Your Zodiac Sign is AQUARIUS if you are born between January 20 to February 19.
- Your Zodiac Sign is PISCES if you are born between February 20 to March 20.
Astrology Predictions for above Zodiac Sign :-
You are likely to make some changes this week by letting go of the past. You are likely to go to emotional heights and depths in relationships, difficult and easy situations in business and negative and positive reactions from people who give you a new perspective of life and the world. You can now allow all of life's colours to penetrate in you to become enriched and more integrated. You are more accepting, creative and easy with the variance and activity around you by remaining centered and rooted within. A happy surprise awaits you.
Light and happiness greet you this week as personal relationships flower into loving commitments. Children, family and friends get together to celebrate an event. You feel diffident about shopping but investment in a luxury enhances your lifestyle. Spiritual pursuit and meditation allow you some relaxation. Aesthetic and creative pastimes are therapeutic during a brief holiday. You can trust your feelings about people and situations. A positive approach in a negative situation brings resolution and compromise at this point.
Your strength and success is the result of persistence on one hand and adaptability on the other. With quiet authority you win many a battle at work and at home. You have the power to attract the right people and opportunities that take you in a progressive direction. You are generous and giving but impatient of opposition. Beware of a revengeful woman in the family as she takes offense without good cause. Your heart centre is now open for healing, loving and sharing. Be gentle and caring when expressing hard truths and taking away masks or defenses.
You seem to control the life force bringing positive changes in chaotic situations and emotional problems this week. You deal with family conflicts with patience, quiet authority and understanding. A Leo person supports you through good and bad times. You make a lasting impact on people and can expect some media attention and exposure. You can expect some visitors and news this week. You infuse great energy in personal relationships and creativity in professional projects. This is a busy time for you and it is important to take care of health.
The lotus flowers with personal satisfaction and professional success as you make a mark with your creativity, ingenuity and performance. You have been waiting to induct new people in your business, and adopt modern systems to stand against rivalry. Personal relationships are supportive and you need to express appreciation. A Taurus person is of practical help when your vision is clouded by emotions. Remain centered and balanced. Yoga and meditation help you to get in touch with deep feelings, truths and higher dimensions.
You have a certain aura, power and charisma that comes from knowing yourself and being free of traditional imprisonment. A lot of interesting people are attracted to you and you need to conserve energy and time. You make new beginnings at work, start new ventures and win your battles against adversaries. You are likely to have a lot to do with people in power, control or government. An Aries person likes your exceptional qualities and supports you through hell and high water. Health and heart need to be taken care of with love and care.
Inception of a new venture proves to be gainful this week. Your partner appreciates your new image and succumbs to your charm. You can count on getting counsel to complete a difficult assignment. A surprising turn of events may change your plans. Rearranging home and work spaces can change ambiance and energy. An over view or broader perspective of life allows you to look deeper and have a new vision about personal and professional situations. You are likely to take up new interests. as you are relaxed with a bit of leisure and time on your hands.
Great care in some things is counterbalanced by equal disorder in others this week. Beware of wasting energy in details causing neglect of important professional aspects. The lack of persistence and disinterest at work may lead to disruption and disarray! Ydu are not about to make compromises or accept restrictions and limitations despite conflict and chaos. Since two separate issues demand both your time and attention, you feel quite divided. Rather than feel guilty, it's better to learn a lesson from past mistakes and get on with your life.
It's best to trust your instincts in personal and professional matters. You are quiet, hardworking and practical in order to resolve conflicts and deal with finances and contracts. An older woman could be a useful ally in a family conflict. Do not allow work to get in the way of your enthusiasm and creativity. Your ambitions are realised in the coming months if you continue to be persistent in your efforts towards achievement. Health problems are resolved this week. You manage finances and resources well to conserve your professional strength.
Your social life is scintillating as you connect with well-known personalities and fun loving people. Family, children and loved ones bring joy and light in your life. You have time to indulge in art. music and entertainment. Media exposure brings fame. Its good to focus on priorities. values and relationships that are important or you could confuse yourself and others. A Scorpio person proves to be a friend. A well-guarded family secret is revealed to you. Communications and visitors from overseas arrive unexpectedly. Take one step at a time to climb the ladder of success.
A professional, residential or personal change is likely this week. It's time to let go of completed projects that you may have got attached to. You are able to drop old fears and apprehension about material and emotional security. Family ties and old friendships are stretched and tested. Restructuring outfits and redecorating home or office spaces lends new ambiance and energy. Unexpected happenings can throw you and breakthroughs are possible now! New fitness regimes and healthy diets are helpful. You are on committal course towards progressive change.
You may be surprised by a wonderful business opportunity that involves travel. communication and interaction with important professional or business people. It's time to be courageous, get in touch with your potential and allow it to actualize even if it means making major changes. You can tune into your centre or source of energy through meditation, rather than thinking and planning, to draw endless inspiration. The vast reservoir of energy is available to you when you are grounded, centered and silent enough to be in touch with the source or cosmic energy.
Hi Milan....... When you became astrologer? but not bad beginning.
keep it up
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