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Astrology Predictions for June 2011 (4th Week)

..:: Weekly Updated Astrology Predictions from 19 June 2011 to 25 June 2011 (4th Week) ::..

Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Know your Zodiac Sign from your Birth Date :-
  • Your Zodiac Sign is ARIES if you are born between March 21 to April 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is TAURUS if you are born between April 20 to May 20.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is GEMINI if you are born between May 21 to June 20.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is CANCER if you are born between June 21 to July 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is LEO if you are born between July 23 to August 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is VIRGO if you are born between August 23 to September 22. 
  • Your Zodiac Sign is LIBRA if you are born between September 21 to October 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is SCORPIO if you are born between October 23 to November 21.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is SAGITTARIUS if you are born between November 22 to December 21.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is CAPRICORN if you are born between December 22 to January 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is AQUARIUS if you are born between January 20 to February 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is PISCES if you are born between February 20 to March 20.

Astrology Predictions for above Zodiac Sign :-

Aries, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

The body, mind and spirit are in harmony and you experience a feeling of well-being and contentment this week. You gain from material and earthy aspects. Power and wealth is yours after a period of labor and strife. Creative and professional plans are set to actualize in one month or one year, so be persistent. Your plans are now matching with divine plans and they have a magical quality of perfection and completion. Success in business and love in personal relationships transforms your life and attitudes. You achieve the rewards of hard work that you did in the past. Your repute and business foundation lead to success and gain with which come appreciation and exposure. A bit of introspection or meditation brings inner maturity, a blossoming of consciousness and spiritual growth, as you realize your truths and accept yourself as you are.
Lucky Number:
Lucky Colour: Emerald Green


Taurus, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You enjoy love, friendship and the good things of life, as you share hospitality and luxury with friends and family this week. Personal relationships are laced with romance and sentiment as you experience magical moments of moonlight and roses with the one you love. Your business associates and connections bring goodwill and support. You arc likely to buy a new car or indulge in luxury shopping. Everything you need to be happy and feel luxurious is available. It is an easy time at work when you can indulge in creative pastimes and sporty activity. A Cancerian is all love and kindness for you. You go through mood swings, so be aware. A new opportunity for business expansion proves to be challenging and lucrative. Beware of excess or over reaction in any area of activity. Balance is your key word this week.
Lucky Number: 4 
Lucky Colour: Golden yellow


Gemini, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

A youthful and beautiful influence enhances your life as you rejuvenate energy to move into new professional or business ventures. You are at your creative best and have the opportunity to be original and the courage to be different this week. You may travel overseas or be involved in an international project. A trip overseas is likely and visitors from far off lands may surprise you. You play a nurturing and preserving role in the family and much depends on you. Personal relationships are deep and meaningful. A daughter or a young woman close to you is ready to take independent decisions about her future. You may remain busy and occupied with work in the office and spring cleaning at home to get a lot done this week. You are in good physical shape and can indulge in sport, theatre or dancing.
Lucky Number: 9 
Lucky Colour: Maroon


Cancer, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Warm friendships and pleasurable moments make this a wonderful time for you. There is intense joy and perfect harmony in personal relationships this week! Your social life is enviable but tiring. Important professional and business meetings go smoothly. Be aware of dissipation and waste, as you tend to go over the top when sharing hospitality. You are particularly happy while meeting up with old friends and family. You are supportive in a family crisis and people tend to lean heavily on you. Another Cancerian initiates a business partnership with you. A brief vacation or sojourn with a loved one comes as a happy surprise. Children demand quality time and bring great joy. The arts and the finer points of life are engaging. You can be pedantic about details at the expense of larger issues. Listen to your heart for the right answers!
Lucky Number: 2 
Lucky Colour: Rose pinks


Leo, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You tend to go over the top this week, as you over react to professional situations and over indulge in food, drink emotion or work. You need to encounter truths and go beyond delusions before you sink deeper into murky waters. You maybe projecting your own feedings and ideas on to others, which prevents you from seeing reality as it is and assess situations correctly. It's time to take responsibility for your own desires, expectations and judgements, rather than attributing them to others. Some promises are unfulfilled and cause you disappointment and delay. There can be dissipation in love or friendship that may get you depressed and worried. There is balance and harmony in personal relationships at the end of the week when you can also expect good news regarding business deals and professional projects. A Scorpio person can be relied upon.
Lucky Number: 7 
Lucky Colour: Sea Green


Virgo, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You are able to tackle difficult work projects and achieve goals after a period of hard work and strife. You stand in the middle of the arena like a ringmaster in a circus and conduct the complicated dance of life with many participants and varied situations this week. Intellectual work in your field brings success. You keep professional and personal matters in their rightful place. A positive approach, good communication and compassion are the right ingredients for regaining happiness and harmony in personal and family relationships. A journey overseas or near the sea is on the cards! Beware of a selfish and conceited person connected with you in business. An Aquarius person shares important information with you. You find safe passage through turbulent waters in personal relationships and professional situations.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue


Libra, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You are ready to make new beginnings and invest in new ventures or relationships this week. It's best to list your priorities before taking decisions! Triangular personal relationships can be problematic, but three-way business collaborations can be gainful. There is good luck attending material affairs. However, beware of theft or being taken in by a charlatan. This is the right time to share yourself in loving personal relationships and express yourself creatively at work. You are likely to spend time in three different places and work closely with two others. By integrating forces and resources, you have a sound professional foundation to work from. You combine good luck with good management to achieve success and gain. You may have to change your image and choose some new styles this week that will work better for you.
Lucky Number: 9 
Lucky Colour: Soft Pink


Scorpio, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You feel enthused with youthful, fresh energy in personal relationships and enthusiasm in professional ventures this week. Your playfulness draws some interesting people towards you. A romantic and dreamy space takes you on a sentimental journey into the past. You are gracious and gentle while resolving sensitive issues and family matters. A young woman or daughter is ready to make decisions and have her own way. Sporty activity and the social whirl keep you busy this week. Listen to your heart rather than the head for the right answers. Beware of an indolent and selfish woman in the work area. Visitors canrolin unexpectedly this week so keep your larder full. A vacation is in the pipeline, tour innocence and trust brings you closer to people who matter. Meditation and Yoga are recommended to achieve inner and outer balance. Lucky Number: 15 
Lucky Colour: Rainbow Pastels


Sagittarius, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You put a lot of dynamic energy into actualizing  grand ideas and business plans, but it frustrates you I to see things not working according to your expectations. Things are not as bad as they look, so be realistic and practical this week. This is a time of spiritual growth, with the end of many a delusion. You begin to see reality and the truth about personal relationships and professional ventures. Disruption and delay in business is temporary and you can look forward to better times next week. New plans and collaborations need to be discussed and explored for actualization in the near future. This a time of endings and new beginnings and accepting the challenges they bring. Remodeling structures and changing systems could be the answer for a streamlined and productive business. Personal relationships are loving if you drop judgments.
Lucky number: 10 
Lucky Colour: Scarlet


Capricorn, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Your social and professional commitments keep you busy and occupied this week. Beware of abandoning a challenging project at the brink of winning due to lack of energy and trust. After a stressful time, you feel depleted, tend to think negatively and undermine your confidence. Instead of making unstable efforts to achieve professional success, stay with your decisions and avoid vacillating. Ybu tend to be fascinated with display but need to look deeper for the truth. Avoid being political or double-faced in any area of life, as you don't gain from it. A road journey is on the cards! Beware of an untrustworthy person in the family. Your head and heart pull you in opposite directions when making decisions. An Aquarius person is a friend but moody and emotional. It's important to retain your self-esteem and display dynamic aspects and leadership qualities that you possess.
Lucky Number: 7 
Lucky Colour: Silver Grey


aquarius, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You are seen, noted and heard this week.  You are blessed with good luck, happiness and success, which you are able to share with a soul mate or partner. Your connections with overseas countries are J progressive and lucrative. You express creative ideas and plans through media. This is a time of endings and new beginnings in relationships or friendships, as values, priorities and attitudes change. Health and energy need to be conserved, as you have too much going on at work and at home this week. Your social life is likely to be busy too. Business gains are satisfying, as you are able to afford a better lifestyle. It's important to spend time by yourself and meditate in natural surroundings after a busy day spent with people in multifarious activities. Witnessing the drama of life from a higher viewpoint gives you fresh insight and perspective.
Lucky Number: 19 
Lucky Colour: Sun yellows


Pisces, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

'The Empress' symbolizing planet Venus and the power of the goddess, or Shakti energy brings an aesthetic influence in your life. Personal relationships are full of love and celebration. Family and friends gather around to share hospitality and memorable moments. You play a pivotal role in a family situation to resolve an important matter. Your grace and diplomacy takes you through difficult personal and professional situations smoothly. You interact and socialize with important people in positions of power and authority. Success and good fortune in business projects is assured. You make an impact as an elegant and impressive figure in seminars, discussions or group activities. Beware of waste, dissipation or over indulgence in food, drink or emotion. Women play positive rotes in your life. Children bring joy and can be demanding this week. Inner balance brings harmony.
Lucky Number: 3 
Lucky Colour: Lotus pink


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