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The Government works only under pressure - Baba Ramdev

..:: The Government works only under pressure - Baba Ramdev ::..

Baba Ramdev Interview, Indian corruption, movement, human rights, indian politics, corrupted politicians, Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi, Anna Hazare, talking, fasting message

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev announced a 'Satyagraha Against Corruption' from June 4, when he and his supporters will be fasting in New Delhi for the cause. The announcement gave rise to speculation of competition with Anna Hazare's India Against Corruption (IAC) movement. Ramdev spoke to the Hindustan Times about his campaign and his views on the IAC. Excerpts:

Why a separate protest when you are already supporting Anna Hazare's anti-graft movement?

IAC has been fighting for the Jan lokpal bill while our movement concentrates on corruption and black money. Black money is a grave issue with the involvement of many powerful people. We have been working against corruption for the past five years. It is not a new movement.

Would you place your demands under the IAC banner if Hazare asked?

The IAC is an NGO based in New Delhi that has emerged recently and we have made a huge contribution towards it.Supporting the IAC doesn't mean that we lose our identity.

What are your major demands and how do you think they can be attained?

We have three demands — recover the Indian money illegally invested in foreign countries and declare it as national property, ban high denomination currency notes as they lead to corruption at high levels, and finally the death penalty for the corrupt.
      To recover black money, the government needs to pass the UN Convention against Corruption that will lead to a major change in the existing Indian laws as per international standards.
      We need a complete change in the system to make it free from corruption. We will be building pressure as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the government work only under pressure.
Don't you think the death penalty can invite criticism from the government and human rights activists?

According to the World Hunger Report, 70 lakh people die in India due to hunger and malnutrition. Corruption is a major reason for this.
     Human rights activists don't save people dying of hunger, instead they save the corrupt people responsible for the deaths.

Is this a step towards politics?

I have no wish to join politics.


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