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Astrology Predictions for July 2011 (1st Week)

..:: Weekly Updated Astrology Predictions from 03 July 2011 to 09 July 2011 (1st Week) ::..

Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Know your Zodiac Sign from your Birth Date :-
  • Your Zodiac Sign is ARIES if you are born between March 21 to April 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is TAURUS if you are born between April 20 to May 20.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is GEMINI if you are born between May 21 to June 20.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is CANCER if you are born between June 21 to July 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is LEO if you are born between July 23 to August 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is VIRGO if you are born between August 23 to September 22. 
  • Your Zodiac Sign is LIBRA if you are born between September 21 to October 22.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is SCORPIO if you are born between October 23 to November 21.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is SAGITTARIUS if you are born between November 22 to December 21.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is CAPRICORN if you are born between December 22 to January 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is AQUARIUS if you are born between January 20 to February 19.
  • Your Zodiac Sign is PISCES if you are born between February 20 to March 20.

Astrology Predictions for above Zodiac Sign :-

Aries, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Some of you may indulge in excessce and wiil need to come back in shape. A property matter tuns out the way you want it to. Changes on the professional front are envisaged and may warrant some compromises at your end. You may find fond memories of the past making a rerun in your mind by spending time with your old school and college friends. Take your call before incurring an expenditure someone is insisting on.
Lucky Number:
Lucky Colour: Silver


Taurus, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You will need to drive a hard bargain to get something cheap, so don't let up on this. Those  travelling for fun can expect a time of their lives. Acquiring new property is on the cards for some. Tiff with spouse over an issue is possible and may even turn ugly. Those in love run the risk of being  jilted. Some turbulence on the work front may be expected. Don't let a minor cash crunch spoil your plans.
Lucky Number: 18 
Lucky Colour: Pink


Gemini, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Commitment to someone will have to be honoured. Things look encouraging on the social front. You will succeed in manoeuvring yourself into a position of advantage at work. Spouse may remain adamant on a domestic issue. Lover's suspicion threatens to make the romantic front turbulent. A property deal may take some more time to materialise. Those feeling financially insecure will have a reason to cheer.
Lucky Number: 22 
Lucky Colour: Blue


Cancer, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You may require someone's support to put your point across. Don't respose faith in those who only think about themselves. Progress on the academic front will be more than satisfactory. You are likely to initiate something on the professional front that will prove beneficial. Those in retail will their wares at a huge margin. Financial situation gets strengthened. Spirituality proves therapeutic.
Lucky Number: 11 
Lucky Colour: Light Blue


Leo, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You may need to keep in constant touch with someone to know the progress on the academic front. An old ailment may come back to haunt you. It is best to consult others in a professional matter, as chances of missing out on something crucial are possible. You may play the middleman in a family dispute. Don't count on anyone for a loan. Your hobby wil help you unwind. Stars are favourable for those desiring a change.
Lucky Number: 22 
Lucky Colour: Turquoise


Virgo, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

A piece of good news may keep you on an upbeat mood today. Networking is likely to prove most beneficial to you. Luck favours you on the financial front as you come across big money. Pending payments are likely to be released. You may take up something that promises to add to your social image. Catering to others is likely to give you immense happiness. Socially. you will be able to bond well, even with strangers.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Dark Brown


Libra, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You may get negative feedbacks about someone you trusted. It is not a must for you to volunteer at work, but if you do, be confident of doing a good job of whatever is tasked to you. You can get a bit concerned about finances due to mounting expenses, but you will be able to manage your finances well. This is a good time to mend fences with tho ones you generally try to avoid.
Lucky Number: 7 
Lucky Colour: White


Scorpio, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Pleasing all an uphill task that is  best not undertaken!  You will be able to manage things well on the  domestic front. A senior at work may favour you for something prestigious. You will feel adequately motivated to keep your focus on an impending important event. Your well wishers are likely to leave no stone unturned to boost your image on the social front. Romance may sour over some petty differences. An old ailment may recur.
 Lucky Number: 15 
Lucky Colour: Light Green


Sagittarius, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

Organising something big may be on your mind. A pat on the back is in store for you on professional front. Money required for something important will be forthcoming, so don't touch your savings. Lover may compel you for an outing. Spouse may need convincing about your frequent out of town tours, so do everything to ward off any suspicions. Accept delay rather than speeding up on the road.
Lucky number: 11 
Lucky Colour: Silver


Capricorn, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

A youngster may be left on your charge today and upset your set routine. Cloud of uncertainty hovering over you is set to dissipate. making things much clearer than before. A rival at work may extend a hand of friendship. Your interest in a particular project is likely to get noticed by people who matter. Getting invited to a social do is possible and will be lots of fun. An ex-flame is likely to enter your life once again.
Lucky Number: 3 
Lucky Colour: Magenta


aquarius, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You may get into two minds  regarding a relationship, but  don't worry everything will turn out right. There may be some pressure to perform on the academic front. A bad situation at work will be salvaged in time by some prompt action from your side. This is not a good time to lend money, so avoid it. If you are not in the mood to attend a social function, take a decision now and inform.
Lucky Number: 9 
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown


Pisces, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac Sign, predictions, forecast, numerology

You will be bowled over by someone, who has the hots for you on the romantic front.  Past investments will make you feel financially secure. An exercise regimen may be taken up by some to remain fit and energetic. Your talent are likely to go waste in undertaking a job that may not see the light of the day. Those hankering after fame may have to make efforts. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky Number: 5 
Lucky Colour: Green


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