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Google+ A New Social Networking website like Facebook

..:: Google+ - Google's New Social Networking website like Facebook ::..

Google+, Google plus, Google+ Vs Facebook, Social networking, Advantages, new features, amazing, login, join, updates
A Small Introduction to Google's New Social Networking Project - Google+ ::-

Google has tried several times, without much success, to take on Facebook the master of social networking. Now Google, the king of internet search but a bust on the social front, launched its rival to Facebook a social networking service called Google+, — which happens to look a lot like Facebook. The service, which is initially available to a select group of Google users who will soon be able to invite others, will let people share and discuss status updates, photos and links, much as they do on Facebook.

Where Google+ is differ from Facbook or Difference between Google+ and Facebook or Google+ Vs Facebook ::-

          Google’s senior vice president for engineering Vic Gundotra said in a blog post about the long awaited social networking, "Online sharing is awkward. Even broken. And we aim to fix it."

          Google+ gives users to separate online friends and family into different "Circles," or networks, and to share information only with members of a particular circle. Bradley Horowitz, a vice-president for product management at Google says, "In real life, we have walls and windows and I can speak to you knowing who's in the room, but in the online world, you get to a 'Share' box and you share with the whole world" Gundotra added, "We want to make Google better by including you, your relationships and your interests."

          One of the criticisms of Facebook is that updates are shared with all of one’s friends unless a user has gone through a relatively complicated process to create separate Facebook Groups. While in Google+ Gundotra says,"Not all relationships are created equal, So in life we share one thing with college buddies, another with parents, and almost nothing with our boss. The problem is that today’s online services turn friendship into fast food, wrapping everyone in ‘friend’ paper, and sharing really suffers".

          Google+ project will be different in one significant way, which Google hopes will be enough to convince people to use yet another social network. It is meant for sharing with groups - like colleagues, roommates or hiking friends - not with all of one's friends or the entire Web. It also offers group text messaging and “Hangouts” which allows for video chatting among friends.

Web URL of Google+ or Where Google+ is Located ::-

          Google+, located at, is currently being tested by a small number of people or is  available by invitation only. But Google said in a message on the site that it "won’t be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone".

What Analysts says about Google+ and Facebook ::-

          Facebook users are unlikely to duplicate their network of friends on Google+ and post to both sites, but that they could use them for different types of communication.

         Google+ could also attract Facebook holdouts who have been uncomfortable sharing too publicly.

          Some Analysts says Google+ may already be too late. In May, 180 million people visited Google sites, including YouTube, compared with 157.2 million on Facebook, according to comScore. But Facebook users looked at 103 billion pages and spent an average of 375 minutes on the site, while Google users viewed 46.3 billion pages and spent 231 minutes.

One Shocking News about Google+ ::-

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and chief executive of Facebook is becomes most popular person on Google+. Zuckerberg had nearly 35,000 people following his updates on the service, more than anyone else in a broad survey of Google+ profiles by Social Statistics, an outside service. His fan base exceeds that of Larry Page, one of the founders of Google and its recently appointed chief executive, who had only 24,000 people following him.

Video Tour to Google+ ::-







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